Why MUSA chain will be better vs other Layer 1 chains

3 min readDec 8, 2022

There are so many Layer 1 Blockchains out there!! You might have wondered why MUSA? What value does it bring to the table? If that thought has crossed your mind, then you are in the right place as we explain why MUSA is going to be “Go to place for all crypto enthusiasts and developers” in near future!!

Below is a comparison of list of features that MUSA(POMv2) provides and the other competing chains lack such features!

A safe L1 blockchain for degens is something the crypto world needs….degen plays will always be here, but imagine if you weren’t going to get rugged 9/10 plays?! That’s what #pomeranian wants to achieve where devs can’t rug people day in and day out! Building a SAFU chain for degens is the goal!

Following are list of features why MUSA chain will provide a safe space for investors and will be the go-to chain to invest on exciting project with peace of mind!

MUSA Hybrid POS consensus mechanism will bring multiple benefits to our chain, such as:

  • Low transaction latency, low transaction costs, low energy consumption, no expensive mining rigs and no central group making all the rewards from mining. No bribing miners to get your transaction in first!
  • High transaction concurrency with sharding technology.

True Decentralization:

  • Pomeranian $POM ERC20 will evolve into MUSA chain DAO governance token.
  • The DAO decides any and all changes to the blockchain.
  • Validators are voted in by other Validators. With VETO power granted to the DAO. I the dev will retire my validators once MUSA chain is stable.
  • Validator rewards goes back to the community
  • Contracts are not renounced, but locked in a smart contract controlled by the DAO

Smart Contract Verification:

  • All smart contracts must be verified and go through the verification tool
  • This prevents a malicious dev from attempting to hide a method to scam the end user. Many other chains use bots for this purpose AFTER the token is launched. We force the developer to verify and submit smart contract for verification
  • Verification tool will supply the user with the following:
    Taxes, Tokenomics, Max wallet, Honeypot checker, minting…etc. Think of one of the popular TG bots or tokensniffer.com (we are 100/100 btw)

WAIT! There's more!!!

  1. Every contract deployed on MUSA chain will need to have a mandatory liquidity lock for 7 days to begin with! This is an initial prerequisite to deploy contract on MUSA chain so that devs can’t rug people immediately after launch. This 7 day period can be extended by the devs of those token. Also this 7 day gives all degens a time to review the project and Do their own research. In future we can extend this prerequisite based on what community demands via DAO governance.
  2. Easy to use Launch pad for launching projects with No Fee!! Are you a GREAT marketer, but cannot dev? We got you covered!
  3. Validator rewards goes back to the community Governance fund. Allocation and utilization of this fund will purely be determined by the Community via DAO Goveranance mechanism

Also, if you haven’t watched Dev Diary, below is the video of Dev explaining all features and updates related to MUSA chain!

